Our Terms and Conditions.
Important. Please read.
By opening and maintaining an account with Safe Harbor Capital Management LLC d/b/a Fiduciary Wealth, you agree to accept and be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree you may opt out by notifying us. These terms are subject to change, and you agree to review them regularly. They are provided to you upon request at any time and are available at our website at: www.fiduciarymn.com.
You agree that your investment objective is long-term growth of capital.
You agree your risk tolerance is moderate to aggressive. Investors with moderate to aggressive risk tolerance can withstand a decrease in account value and, most importantly, wait for a market recovery.
Investing involves risk and the possibility of loss. It is important to note that all investments carry some level of risk, and there is no way to completely eliminate the risk of investing in the stock market. It is possible for the market to drop substantially before it recovers. If you consider yourself risk averse you should avoid investing in securities markets.
You agree to promptly inform us of any changes in your investment objective, risk tolerance, or time frame. You agree to maintain internet and email access for communications with us.
You acknowledge that investing involves risk and the possibility of loss. You assume such risk and any potential losses. You agree that Fiduciary Wealth is not liable for any market losses.
You understand that past results do not guarantee future results.
Fiduciary Wealth does not make any promises or guarantees of any performance, actions, or outcomes of any kind.
The word "Safe" in this firm's name does not imply that investing is without risk.
You agree that Fiduciary Wealth is not liable for damages due to errors, omissions, negligence, or changes in market value.
Any controversy or claim, including, but not limited to, errors and omissions, or relating to any of Fiduciary Wealth's business activities, shall be settled by arbitration in the state of Minnesota.
You acknowledge that Fiduciary Wealth’s portfolio is non-diversified and may be concentrated in certain industries, sectors, or asset classes.
Non-diversified portfolios may involve higher risk.
You authorize Fiduciary Wealth to act with full discretionary authority to buy and sell investments on your behalf. We do not accept client restrictions or instructions on investments.
Fiduciary Wealth does not share any client information with any third party except for the custodian for the purposes of opening and maintaining an account or unless required by law.
You have the right to terminate your account(s) at any time for any reason. We have the right to terminate any account(s) at any time for any reason.
We only solicit business in states or jurisdictions where we are licensed to do so or are exempted from registration requirements. Investors in states or jurisdictions where we are not registered are free to approach and engage Fiduciary Wealth on an unsolicited basis.
We are not a tax expert and do not give tax advice. You agree to obtain tax advice from a qualified tax professional. Our investment strategies are not necessarily designed to be tax efficient.
We are not a legal expert and do not give legal advice. You agree to obtain legal advice from a qualified legal expert.
All published content provided by Fiduciary Wealth is for informational purposes only. Published content is not intended to be investment advice, solicitation, or representation of any investment outcomes. It is not meant to be a representation of future performance of any investment or actual account(s).
We do not accept instructions through email or voicemail. We only accept such instructions through live or signed written communication. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with us prior to implementation. All material presented by us is believed to be from reliable sources. We rely on third party sources and are not responsible for its accuracy.
Call us if you have any questions, concerns, or wish to opt out. 612-234-7233